Business Travellers Would Quit if …

Business Travellers Would Quit if …


  • 66% would decline a business trip if they didn’t feel confident their employer was prioritising their safety and wellbeing
  • 47% say their organisation takes the risks associated with business travel more seriously than it used to
  • But 46% think their employer could do more to keep them safe whilst travelling
  • 45% would like their employer to check in on them more when they are travelling

Two thirds of business travellers (66%) would decline a business trip if their employer was not prioritising their safety and wellbeing and 59% would quit their job if they felt their safety when travelling was not a priority, says a new Opinium* survey of 500 UK-based business travellers, commissioned by World Travel Protection, a leading global travel risk management organisation.

Almost half (47%) of business travellers say their organisation takes the risks associated with business travel more seriously than it used to, and more than half (52%) say their employer expresses concern about their well-being and takes steps to help them feel safe while travelling.

However, almost half (46%) say that their employer could do more to keep them safe, and the survey reveals that there are surprisingly low levels of practical support. For example:

  • More than a third (36%) say their organisation doesn’t offer any practical information ahead of or during travel;
  • Only 15% receive a full briefing on the travel destination;
  • Whilst half (49%) say they are provided with a travel risk app with live destination alerts and location notification for emergencies, only one in six (18%) have downloaded it;
  • Just one in six (16%) are given a number to call if something were to go wrong outside of business hours;
  • and only 14% receive regularly check-ins from their employer. Almost half of travellers (45%) would like their employer to check in on them more when they are travelling.

Kate Fitzpatrick, Security Director, EMEA, at World Travel Protection, said: “It’s concerning that almost half of business travellers believe that their employer could do more to keep them safe when travelling, especially with so many prepared to turn down business trips or even leave the company if they don’t feel their safety is a priority.”

“Preparation is key when it comes to business travel. It’s very important that travellers are given detailed pre-travel briefings, so they are prepared before they set off. It’s also critical they have access to current information on their trip so they’re aware of any changes and know where to turn should they need support whilst away. Partnering with a travel risk management company, like World Travel Protection, also ensures employees have access to the most up-to-date security and health information 24/7, as well as a global support network of highly qualified medical and security professionals,” Fitzpatrick continued.

*Opinium online survey conducted with 500 people, who travel for business at least once a year in the UK, from 1 – 8 February 2024.

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WORKSMARTPA – NEW IDEAS, NEW FRONTIERS The year 2021 sees our business celebrate 21 years of - a community supporting office professionals since our very first newsletter way back in May 2000. As we look forward to greet a new world of change beyond the pandemic, we are extremely excited to announce a new brand; a new look; and some new directions for our much loved, long-standing web site and communities to explore. It is time for change. To better reflect now what we do best for you, we have a new brand, web site and activities – a new name and web site that will be full of new ideas for a new business age and new working trends as we all seek to grow, expand and explore new frontiers.

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